ATTENTION: Real Estate Investors Looking For Deals In PG, Baltimore City, or Other Parts of Maryland.
(Please Don't Be Out There "NAKED")

This is the most comprehensive training available to real estate investors doing business in the state of Maryland, including special sections for "Bird Dogs", Wholesalers and "Fix and Flip" Rehabbers.  

Newbie and Experienced Investors alike will benefit from the simple "Step-By-Step" modules, including samples of the specific documents required to comply with the Maryland law.

"I had no idea that violating the Maryland PHFA Law  could wind up putting you in jail for three (r) years!  Serious stuff for all investors [at every level] doing business in PG, Baltimore City, or anywhere in the state of Maryland."

-Jim Booth, Kensington, MD

Maryland Is One of the Most Aggressive States In The Nation To Put Investors In Jail For Violating It's "Protection of Homeowners in Foreclosure Law!"  Every Investor Needs to Own This...

Get instant access to our Maryland Foreclosure Secrets The  Complete Investor Training Now!

In 2005, The Governor of Maryland signed a sweeping set of laws (known as PHFA) that make it Illegal for real estate investors to contact home owners in a "Default" situation, and purchase their home in a "Pre-Foreclosure" situation.  KNOW THE LAW! Failure to comply with Maryland's PHFA Law could result in significant fines as well as jail time!

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